Tarot card question

8 months ago
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304 posts

I’m am a extreme beginner at tarot. I have a deck that explains what the general card meanings are. I do clear the deck,ask for only true guides& beings with only good intentions to help.. I’ve only done a few general readings..what do I need to know..and no matter how much I shuffle..I keep getting the Page of cups..or pentacles. Which on the positive side of the card says..signifies a man under 30.. with the explanation. I’m too new to understand what this card could mean besides that so I’m confused. Other cards come out and they seem pretty straightforward & connect to what’s going on w me.but even then too new to get what they might mean otherwise .But these cards confuse me. Can anyone please help me on this thank you

8 months ago

The page of cups/page of pentacles can also indicate going deeper with your studies and your intuitive development. See what happens if you make the cards about your personal growth versus other people/outside circumstances. I hope this helps!

8 months ago
rebo's photo

Rebo (rebo)

543 posts

Be careful and take time away from them often. Don’t get too consumed early on.

8 months ago

I’m going to tell you from experience, you need to develop your own connection with the cards. Don’t get too caught up with what they are supposed to mean according to a book. Tarot is about symbolism and working with the subconscious mind. If you ask 10 people what this means you will get 10 different answers. You should also be clear on what you are looking for insight on. I think it would be helpful for you to acquaint yourself with the symbolism and ideas behind all the suits and then the numerology first before you dig into the details of each card. If you need more help I’d be happy to chat with you!

It’s more of an art than a science. There is no hard and fast formula.

7 months ago

my opinion:

get a notebook and journal your readings. write down every card and wait for things to happen. then go back and compare that and again, take notes.

do this for a long time.

you’ll begin to see what each card MEANS FOR YOU and what the patterns are.

also keep in mind tarot is PSYCHOLOGICAL so you’re not seeing PREDICTIONS you’re seeing how you will FEEL when things are happening.

how someone feels is not always in accord with what is happening.

also don’t ask the same question over and over. wait for your reading to pan out.

good luck!